Phoenix Car Club

Phoenix Car Club

Costa Blanca (South) & Vega Baja

July Drive to Onil

Our July drive on Wednesday the 14th, Bastille Day, was scheduled for one of the hottest periods in recent times but Ian must have had divine inspiration or luck on his side as he took us up into the hills to the cool air and shady trees of Casa Tapena near Onil. We gathered at our new spiritual Ace Cafe home at Nonduermas and headed off to Crevilllente, Novelda and Agost, stopping for a coffee and comfort break at Casa Miguel (formerly Don Camino). Lovely roads so far but things could only get better as we left Agost and took the CV827 to Castalla and then the CV 802 to Onil. Smooth, winding roads with great scenery and hardly another car or bicycle to be seen. On arrival at Casa Tapena some brave souls ventured into the labarinta (maze) and when we left three hours later we could still hear the cries for help. Oh well! The picnic area was shaded by tall trees and the cool mountain breeze was very welcome. All in all a great day out and enjoyed by all who took part. We now look forward to Terry’s evening drive in August.