Phoenix Car Club

Phoenix Car Club

Costa Blanca (South) & Vega Baja

Nathan Hall

All posts by Nathan Hall

A drive to Tipsy Hondon

A drive to Tipsy Hondon What a lovely drive Johnny gave us for our first drive out in a very long time, 35 members met in Formentera and then set out via canals, farmland, fruit farms an aqueduct  and a few roads (typical Halvorsan drive). We visited Rafal , Cox,  Albatera  before the climb to… (read more)

Potty in Agost

POTTY IN AGOST This was another do we or don’t we drive, as the weather once again threatened to put the kybosh on the day, but in true Phoenix spirit 30 people gathered at the old Meroil  J733 and set off for our drive, and we had a very scenic drive, pleasant coffee stop and… (read more)


Our AGM was held at El Prado San Miguel It was voted unanimously to adjust fees to 20e per person thus making single member fee 20e Joint member 40e                The voting in of COM : President: Nathan Hall – Secretary: Richard O Rourke- Treasurer: Lesley Hall – Vocales: Johnny Halverson, Ian Smith , Terry Sawkins… (read more)

Christmas with Entertainment

Christmas At Cosecha Once again we were looked after very well by the Cosecha staff , this time we had an evening event with entertainment for a change and I think this was welcomed by most.  All members that were at the meal were treated to our now famous Calendar. Many thanks to Lesley for… (read more)

Golf Tour

Golf Tour We had 16 members and 2 guests for our golf day and what a lovely day we had for it, very warm for this time of year. We were set of in groups of 3 or 4 and we soon found who had a flair for this golfing lark, there was lots of laughing and… (read more)

IFA Classic Car Show

IFA Classic Car Show I would just like to say a big Thankyou to all the exhibitors and members who attended the I.F.A. Show. It was a great success for all concerned. The organisers are hoping next year will be even bigger. Thanks to C.B.cruisers and the Jaguar enthusiasts club, particularly Brian Rae (CB cruisers)… (read more)

Mojacar 3 Day Tour

Mojacar 3 Day Tour Having all met at Torre Pacheco we all headed of towards Mojacar via some of Johnny’s very spectacular scenic roads and villages, there was the usual coffee stop for tapas and then onward to the Hotel.  This was a lovely Hotel just below the Pueblo this gave an opportunity to take… (read more)

Alicante Museums

 ALICANTE MARQ MUSEUM We started the day rather early for our drive to the IFA to meet up with our American club friends and then go on to meet our police escort to take the 27 cars to the Marq museum, voted the best in Europe. The building was the old hospital and has been… (read more)

Club Christmas 2018 Cosecha

  Christmas Lunch at Cosecha Benijofar Once again we had our Christmas lunch at La Cosecha and this was enjoyed by 62 members ,and I know we have been there a number of times now but they never disappoint giving us a very extensive menu to choose from. A big thank you to Lesley for… (read more)

Portman & Beyond

PORTMAN & BEYOND For the last Drive of the year it could not have been better, a magnificent turn-out of 21 cars and 44 members took part, the weather was also very kind to us. Johnny put on one of his country / mountain drives across the Sierra de Altaona that certainly did not disappoint, even though… (read more)

Sleeping lady & Murcia villages

Farms, Sleeping lady & Pretty Spanish villages  Well with the forecasters telling us we were in for a blasting we did not know if we should abandon this drive, however we held our nerve and at the start on Sunday morning we just had a little drizzle, by the time we were at our coffee… (read more)

Mountains & Waterfalls.

Mountains & Waterfalls.Well what a drive, and it was a  drivers drive , I don’t think there was a 100 metre straight anywhere , the passenger got to see the scenes  the driver got an occasional glance, and the coffee stop was a safari park , then on to the waterfalls. Well done to Alan and Barbara… (read more)


Club 11th Birthday This was once again held at El Prado San Miguel , and once again they supplied the most fantastic meat feast with starter and dessert wine and water . We had the pleasure of nearly 50 members to celebrate this 11th year and I think both new members and old had an excellent… (read more)

BBQ El Castillo, La Marina

CLUB BBQ Aug 2018 This was a new venue to us and what a find, we were given an excellent BBQ of Chicken, Steak, Lamb, & Pork Chop with a jacket potato and separate bowl of chips, wine, beer, water on the table. Thank you to all those attending. Unfortunately Joseph the owner told us on leaving that he… (read more)

Guadalest Motor Museum

Guadalest Motor Museum We met at La Torre Hotel Los Montesinos for an early start we used fairly main roads to get us on our way to the coffee stop where we were joined by more members who chose to meet us there, after the refreshments we were off on our way, this time through… (read more)

Hondon Bodega & Country Drive

Visit to Hondon Bodega and Drive We all met to start this drive to Hondon at the old Meroil service station, we then all set off for the drive to the Bodega visit. Once we’d had look at all the memorabilia and all the wine on offer we all went to the village for coffee, suitably… (read more)