Phoenix Car Club

Phoenix Car Club

Costa Blanca (South) & Vega Baja

Posts filed under Past Events

Phoenix Christmas Lunch 2017

Once again we had an excellent Christmas lunch at La Cosecha attended by 60 club members and 15 cars on the drive from San Miguel. Thanks to Johnny for that, an interesting drive through the fields connecting roads well off the main roads. We also had our Calendar given out to those who attended the lunch, this is our 2nd year with the calendar organised by Richard with club cars featuring. Next years will have club cars that are on the drives throughout the year.  If you were not at the lunch and would like a calendar PLEASE see Richard at the ACE. 

We wish you all a lovely Christmas. A happy and healthy New Year to all.

Look forward to seeing you all at one of the many events planned for next year.


21st November 2017: Ace Café to Santuario de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Totana)

10:00 and the temperature was 18°C, bright and sunny with no wind. Perfect for a drive! Some 17 cars arrived at the Ace Café, quite a mixture; capacities from 602cc to 5670, horsepower from 29 to 345, weight 600kg to 1570kg,Car ages 1 to 79!  . Members from the UK, Sweden,The Netherlands and France. Quite an assortment!

At 10:35 the convoy made its way through Los Montesenos and Torremendo onto flowing “A” roads passing, to our right, the azur blue of lake Pedrera; onwards to where the local signs say that snails are protected!. Through the almost dessert like “moonscape”, crossing into Murcia. Read more »


10th Birthday Lunch

The club celebrated its 10th Birthday with a very nice lunch at Mesón del Prado in San Miguel. Around sixty people attended and they were treated to a lovely meal and the afternoon was topped off with some singalong music in the background and some pressies in the form of a lucky dip raffle and the 10th anniversary car stickers.

Those members who were unable to attend may collect their stickers at a future Ace Cafe meeting.

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Patagonia Steakhouse (club BBq)

Excellent social event organised by Richard with a short interesting drive from our meeting at the ACE to La Marina .

Shaun and Gill and family joined us with the fabulous Duchess ( The Alvis ) very pleased to see them,

We were as promised suitably full (stuffed) having been served with bread & alioli Baked potato or chips and a platter of Chicken, Pork, Ribs, Black pud, Steak , & Sausage, Don’t think any one finished their platter

My Thanks to Richard & Sue For putting this together


Phoenix Car Club, Licor 43 drive, review, Saturday 17th June 2017

The weather omens were good; bright, clear, still and warm. At 09:30 it was 23°C and cloudless as eleven cars met at the Ace Café. After everyone seemed to take on board essential caffeine, the convoy eased onto the CV-945. Traffic was light and unusually the anticipated peleton were absent and progress was unhindered. Pedrera lake appeared almost turquoise, contrasting with the greens of the forest fringing the CV-925 and highlighting the succession of hairpins and bends which makes this road so attractive. A turn-off onto the RM-F24 and eventual crossing into Murcia heralded a dryer, less green environment. The only real “event” was being held up by a tractor and her slurry tank; too many in our convoy to safely overtake on the short straights that characterise RM-F24 but for the less patient or the more reckless our extended convey was barely an obstacle, merely a hindrance! Another 11 kilometres or so and we turned off into San Cayetano for a comfort break, chance for a decent coffee, for smokers to sin and the prudent convertible owners to apply sun cream! Time taken: 45 minutes, temperature now 28.5°C. A further 25 kilometres and as many minutes and we turned into the Licor 43 site; with no workers we could all park in the covered carpark. Read more »

Ace Cafe June 2017.

Many interesting cars at the June Ace Cafe including a batch of Minis, an interesting VW Beetle convertible, Tom’s Capri and a 205 Cti which will soon become a club member (well,it’s Mum and Dad anyway)






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Vega Baja Zig Zag.

Never was the title of  club drive so apt as Johnny’s Vega Baja Zig Zag. Never straying far from Crevillente we enjoyed a wonderful selection of rural roads and saw things that we had not seen in a very long time. At the pit stop at El Barranco Cayetano all you could hear was “Did you see this?” and” Did you see that?”. Bales of hay, goats, gardens, strange houses, farms and glorious scenery were all mentioned. Proof, were it needed, that a good drive over interesting roads is all you need for a successful day out. Never mind that we all went home hungry!





20 club members enjoyed a very pleasant evening of petanca and food on Thursday 18th of May. We met at the Ace Cafe and drove to El Mirador near Villamartín where the experts taught the novices how to play and then everyone got covered in dust and grit and we all had a jolly good time. The meal was excellent and we look forward to the Club Breakfast at the same venue in August. We have some photographs of the cars on the way to the venue but none of the petanca because the photographer’s hands were too dirty to handle the camera! Read more »

The May Ace Café at La Torre Hotel, Los Montesinos saw a welcome number of new cars as well as many regular club members cars. We are still playing with the new club website so expect some pictures shortly.

Picnic in the Park

Oh how lucky we were, the weather had been cold and windy the week before but that all went away for our day out in the sun, a very interesting drive put together by Chris and wife Angie and once again our thanks to them for our picnic in the park in Novelda


Advertise your items here!

Club members – you can advertise your car related items privately, completely free of charge here.
For non-members private advertisements there is a charge of €10 and your advert will appear once payment has been received.
All adverts can of course be renewed for a further eight week period by informing the Club that the advert is still current.
Please contact us if you want to place an advert. You will need to let us have a full description of the items for sale, the price and also your contact details along with photos if available.
Please note that it is the advertiser’s responsibility to deal directly with any enquiries and ensure the accuracy and content of the advertisement.
The Club can accept no responsibility for omissions, misunderstandings, errors or claims made by a third party.

Club Items for Sale

Check with Nathan for Clubs Badges (4.50 euros).

Club Shirts

We need a new supplier : However no shirts have been purchased in over 2 years


We need to  contract a new supplier for Club Shirts

Club shirts with the embroidered club logo (tba)

Club shirts are an integral part of the club`s image so please support us by wearing your club shirt and flying the flag for the Phoenix Car Club.

Ode to Olive

Eric Clarke

Olive not just any old van!
Olive was born on the 30.12.78 and her birth was registered in Vigo on 18.1.79 making her a true lady of Spain.
Olive has survived the long hot summers and cold winter nights for over 36 years and has really become part of the history of Spain.
I will let her tell you her own story in her words. Read more »

The Antic Car Club of Catalunia
Eric Clarke


Barcelona has many tourist attractions, but when you tire of Gaudi – “all Gaudied out” as a friend used to say, take a visit to a very private antique car club, it is not actually a museum. The adventure starts with a call to Thomas who is the chief archivist, he speaks some English and will make your reservation. Most visits take place in the evening and once arranged take a Taxi to 182 VIA AUGUSTA, to the north of the Av. Diagonal. It is situated in an underground car park, which doesn´t bode well, but on arrival all doubts are dispelled. The highly polished front door opens into a stately boardroom, bar and a collection of rare model cars. Read more »

Not One for the MG Purist!

Peter Dickson

When I was back in the U.K. in May, I called in on an old friend of mine, Colin Walker, who lives in the Derbyshire village of Tideswell. Having been an Oil and Gas exploration engineer for over 40 years, Colin started on a bold project about 4 years ago now with the aim of getting a very old car to exceed the 200 mph mark. He purchased a 1953 MGA and along with his motor engineer cousin, began the long, painful and, by all accounts, very expensive process of re-building this vehicle with the eventual aim of taking it to the Salt Flats in Bonneville, Utah. The car was completely stripped down and a 5 litre Ford engine purchased to create the power source needed.
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