Phoenix Car Club

Phoenix Car Club

Costa Blanca (South) & Vega Baja

Blog Archives

A Birthday Beer

It was cold when we gathered in Lo Monte for Ian’s Roundabout Run of Enlightenment drive on Feb 17th. No roofs down then as we set off via Lo Pagán, Santiago de la Ribera and Los Alcázares before landing at the Another Planet micro brewery in Torre Pacheco. Our host, Lawrence, was very informative and we were entertained and educated as he explained the process of brewing beer in smallish quantities. Of course we had to sample the produce ( in micro amounts) and the reaction was, as you might expect, varied.

Onward then to Roldan where we were delayed by a detour but we eventually made our way to La Puebla where we had a very nice lunch at Meson Galindo in the company of a very noisy tenth birthday party.

Well done to Ian and Carol for a very well organised drive and it was lovely to have Lesley with us after her recent illness


Christmas Lunch at Cosecha Benijofar

Once again we had our Christmas lunch at La Cosecha and this was enjoyed by 62 members ,and I know we have been there a number of times now but they never disappoint giving us a very extensive menu to choose from. A big thank you to Lesley for all the lists and organizing all your requirements and Richard for the photos and the calendars that were appreciated by all.  Also thanks from me for making the final event of the year a fantastic day, what better way than with all your Phoenix Car club friends………… Happy Christmas……….. Nathan

The Lunch was ended by me having to gain entry to Roger’s land rover as he had locked the keys in the car, however his mind was probably on other things as he had just had operation only half hour before…. We wish him well.


For the last Drive of the year it could not have been better, a magnificent turn-out of 21 cars and 44 members took part, the weather was also very kind to us. Johnny put on one of his country / mountain drives across the Sierra de Altaona that certainly did not disappoint, even though we had to share the mountain roads with a few hundred bikes  who seemed to have no regard for their lives or my paintwork !!

Steve with the Alvis had a small problem with overheating due to having to go slow to avoid bikes and the climb at one point, our thanks to Ernie and Valerie for stopping to help and they re joined us at the coffee stop.

Following coffee we continued via Balsicas, Torre Pacheco and Los Alcazares to La Union where we turned onto the familiar Iron Ore road to Portman and onward to our lunch stop in Los Belones and the very busy but very efficient Campo Verde restaurant.







Farms, Sleeping lady & Pretty Spanish villages 

Well with the forecasters telling us we were in for a blasting we did not know if we should abandon this drive, however we held our nerve and at the start on Sunday morning we just had a little drizzle, by the time we were at our coffee stop we had been in sunshine for some time and what a fantastic day. We drove through farms numerous villages with a real flavour of old Spain. We arrived at the foot of the statue of Christ on a huge rock with outstretched arms in the village of  Monteagudo ( we have all seen it if you go to Ikea Murcia ). We then travelled on to our lunch stop at Sucina where we were given a somewhat leisurely lunch but it was all well worth waiting for.

Many thanks to Ian and Carol for a lovely drive.

Mountains & Waterfalls.Well what a drive, and it was a  drivers drive , I don’t think there was a 100 metre straight anywhere , the passenger got to see the scenes  the driver got an occasional glance, and the coffee stop was a safari park , then on to the waterfalls. Well done to Alan and Barbara for nursing their overheating MGB to the end and meeting up at lunch.  It was a fabulous day and everyone enjoyed it.Well done Johnny.





Club 11th Birthday

This was once again held at El Prado San Miguel , and once again they supplied the most fantastic meat feast with starter and dessert wine and water . We had the pleasure of nearly 50 members to celebrate this 11th year and I think both new members and old had an excellent lunch.

CLUB BBQ Aug 2018

This was a new venue to us and what a find, we were given an excellent BBQ of Chicken, Steak, Lamb, & Pork Chop with a jacket potato and separate bowl of chips, wine, beer, water on the table. Thank you to all those attending. Unfortunately Joseph the owner told us on leaving that he had sold the place to the Chinese , so what could of been of use for some other club events for the future ,alas the venue is to close in September.

Thanks to Lesley and  Richard

May Drive And Autotest

A smallish but select group of members took part in the May drive which was followed by a fun Autotest, the first time the club has run such an event since 2012. We gathered at the La Torre in Los Montesinos and the one hour route took us to Predrera, Torreaguera, Torremendo, Rebate, San Miguel and the finish at El Mirador, Villamartin. The President disgraced himself by coming last in the Autotest and the first three were Norman Gomm, Alan Fullalove and Ian Smith. Well done to all who took part and we hope to repeat this event on an annual basis. Read more »

Guadalest Motor Museum

We met at La Torre Hotel Los Montesinos for an early start we used fairly main roads to get us on our way to the coffee stop where we were joined by more members who chose to meet us there, after the refreshments we were off on our way, this time through the mountains La Nucia and Polop as we wound our way through to our Restaurant just before you arrive in Guadalest itself. We were treated to the main Museum then into lunch, this was a typical Spanish meal with set menu bread 2 starters followed by nearly a whole chicken each from the BBQ. Read more »

Visit to Hondon Bodega and Drive

We all met to start this drive to Hondon at the old Meroil service station, we then all set off for the drive to the Bodega visit. Once we’d had look at all the memorabilia and all the wine on offer we all went to the village for coffee, suitably refreshed ( and when our group finally found our way out of the village )we then set of for about an hour drive through the almond blossom and country farms and villages towards our lunch , I think the Spanish lunch could be described as ‘interesting’ but that is what our little adventures are, they are new experiences. However this just made our day out organized by Chris & Angie all the more memorable. Thanks to them for this lovely day out in our cars

Smithy’s Treasure Hunt 2

As has now become the norm ( Ian won mine, Roger won Ian’s) Roger and Ann-Marie, with help from Dukie, will organise the next treasure hunt, the date for which has yet to be fixed. Expect a few musical clues! Richard.

Smithy’s Treasure Hunt

25th February 2018

There were 24 of us meeting at Lo Monte Hotel to be sent on our way to find the treasure and an interesting drive unfolded with new roads and places to see on the way. We found an Eagle, a Plough,  a Mill and a cuco ! and many Almond trees with blossom a plenty and the sun shone for us. We finally found our way to our very enjoyable  lunch at San Marino, Campo Verde. Many thanks to Ian & Carol Smith for all their hard work in putting this together for us. A most enjoyable day.

Formentera Zig Zag 2018

Johnny came up with  the goods once again  and provided us with a very interesting and scenic drive which started and finished at El Cortijo restaurant in Formentera. The event was very well supported and twenty four cars took part and as usual we had a good mix of old, new, European, American, weird and wonderful.

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ZIG ZAG VEGA BAJA 5 January 21st Meet in Formentera

Around a mountain , through a tunnel, a lake and some  food, Enough  to blow the cobwebs off both us and the cars

Meeting at Restaurante El Cortijo  in Formentera High street parking opposite

We will return here for lunch 15e menu del dia


Phoenix Christmas Lunch 2017

Once again we had an excellent Christmas lunch at La Cosecha attended by 60 club members and 15 cars on the drive from San Miguel. Thanks to Johnny for that, an interesting drive through the fields connecting roads well off the main roads. We also had our Calendar given out to those who attended the lunch, this is our 2nd year with the calendar organised by Richard with club cars featuring. Next years will have club cars that are on the drives throughout the year.  If you were not at the lunch and would like a calendar PLEASE see Richard at the ACE. 

We wish you all a lovely Christmas. A happy and healthy New Year to all.

Look forward to seeing you all at one of the many events planned for next year.


21st November 2017: Ace Café to Santuario de Santa Eulalia de Merida (Totana)

10:00 and the temperature was 18°C, bright and sunny with no wind. Perfect for a drive! Some 17 cars arrived at the Ace Café, quite a mixture; capacities from 602cc to 5670, horsepower from 29 to 345, weight 600kg to 1570kg,Car ages 1 to 79!  . Members from the UK, Sweden,The Netherlands and France. Quite an assortment!

At 10:35 the convoy made its way through Los Montesenos and Torremendo onto flowing “A” roads passing, to our right, the azur blue of lake Pedrera; onwards to where the local signs say that snails are protected!. Through the almost dessert like “moonscape”, crossing into Murcia. Read more »